28 Nov
What Is A Wrongful Death Lawsuit And How Does It Work?

Dealing with the untimely death of a loved one or family member is heartbreaking. You need to get in touch with a wrongful death attorney in Denver right away when you are faced with such a situation. Wrongful death claim is a different kind of lawsuit. It is brought when someone dies as a result of an individual's negligent or unintentional or intentional act.

The defendant in this case is considered responsible for death of the person in question. Their demise is typically the result of negligence or some sort of intentional action done by the defendant. In the case of a wrongful death, the dependents or family members or close ones of the deceased person are allowed to file a lawsuit against the party who is allegedly liable for the death.

In What Cases Is A Wrongful Death Claim Applicable?

Ask your wrongful death attorneys in Denver about the special cases where a wrongful death claim can arise. Any person or victim (in this case the immediate family for loved ones of the deceased person) who would otherwise have a valid personal injury claim is entitled to a wrongful death claim lawsuit. The law suit claim arises:

  • When the victim is killed intentionally by the actions of the defendant
  • When the victim passes away or dies as a result of medical malpractice at the hands of a careless or negligent doctor
  • When the casualty occurs as a result of a car or motorcycle accident because of negligent behavior of the defendant
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